We know, we get this all the time. Clients spend money on a brand new website, a re-brand, new images and savvy copy, and it goes live. Everything looks clean and fresh and ready to start pulling those customers in. 

But, where is the traffic? Surely the website has been search engine optimised (SEO)? Why is our traffic not coming in? 

While having a brand new, fresh website is critical to your company’s success, what you need to consider is what is actually going out to potential traffic to actually get them to the site. What is your marketing like? While a site plays a key role in marketing, there needs to be a continuous and deliberate effort to draw that traffic in. 

With this in mind, we thought we would look at four key ways that you can drive traffic to your site and increase your conversions. 

Let’s get stuck in. 

Create Mailer Campaigns 

By now we should know how important it is to have a database of emails and customer contacts. But, what do you do with these contacts? Mailers are a great way of regularly communicating with your client, providing them with regular updates, useful information and educational content. 

We encourage all brands to have a blog that they post regularly to, and these blogs can be shared in these mailers. Open rates for mailers are usually higher when the mailer’s signature contains some helpful information that the customer can actually use. 

Next, include special offers, product or service launches, new products on sale or even company news. Keep your customer engaged. 

Post Regular Content on Social Platforms 

The next thing to look at is getting content out on social media. You will want a Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn page to start. There are a number of other platforms like TikTok and Twitter, but you will have to base this on your audience and type of content you can get out. 

Not only can your blogs and product announcements be posted on social media, but you can create a content strategy that picks out and develops engaging content to draw your customer in. If you are stuck for content, isolate parts of your products and services and focus on various features. Do client features. Create seasonal posts, say for example Christmas, spring, Black Friday. 

Keep the content uniform across the various platforms and tie it into your mailer campaigns. So, try and work out a theme for the week and focus on that. You want at least three social posts going out a week if you can if you want to keep the traffic coming in. 

Create Partnerships 

Right, now you are creating and posting great content, but who is seeing it? Sure your fan base and your database is, but is that enough? We will get more into expanding your social reach next, but let’s consider partnerships. 

If you are creating regular blog posts (yes, like this one) where you are actually educating and informing your customer about relevant topics, you may as well share it with media partners. Media sites and news platforms are always looking for new content, so, if it is useful, industry-related information, contact them to establish a partnership. 

This will work in two ways for your site. Firstly, you will get their audience’s eyes on your blog posts, and secondly, it does wonders for your SEO. Google, when scraping your site to establish where to rank you will look at the links going to and from your site. So, if you have some really good, authoritative sites linking to your site, it will consider you to be ranking on the same level as them. Don’t waste your time with Uncle Piet’s rambling site. Focus on sites like Bizcommunity or MoneyWeb etc. 

Spend Some Money!

We cannot begin to explain this enough. In order to be seen by more than just your audience, you actually do need to have a budget and spend some money. We know, a small start-up business has VERY little budget to do marketing, but honestly, you don’t need too much to at least start gaining some traction. 

The first place that you want to put a budget is in your social media. If you want to reach more than just your audience and followers, you will want to sponsor some posts. Here, you are able to pick your audience, choose people based on their demographics and interests and target the posts directly at them.  You can also set your budget and what you want to achieve. It is all mapped out for you. 

The second avenue to spend is on paid ads. Now, we mentioned that fresh new website earlier? The one with the great content and all the snazzy keywords? Well, these keywords actually need to be picked up by your audiences. So, as much as they appear on your site, they also appear on thousands of other sites, so you want to get your site seen at the top of the results. And this is where paid ads come in. With these, you can secure some of your top keywords and get your site bumped up above your competitors to the top of the search results. 

Wrapping Up 

The fact is that marketing does take some time. It takes a bit of know-how and it does need a budget. We know that you are busy running your business and don’t have time to sit down and try and work out a content calendar. Or figure out who to target on social media. This is where we come in. With our services, you are able to achieve all of this, whether it be creating social posts or mailer campaigns, creating paid ads or even checking and monitoring how your traffic is doing. So, speak to us today and let us help you start driving that traffic to your site!